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Climate change is not a myth anymore; the earth's vegetation has decreased from 66% to 33% from the early industrial revolution to 2020, the carbon in the atmosphere has increased from 280 parts per million to 415 parts per million from the early 1930's to 2020, the increase of the planets temperature does not seem to be slowing down, viral diseases are spreading rapidly as we speak, poverty levels are increasing rapidly, basic primary healthcare is not accessible for more than half of the worlds population while more than 72 million children of primary education age are not in school

With all these challenges in front of us is it too late to make a change? How does the next generation entrepreneurs build businesses where the core value and purpose are to tackle real world problems around sustainability?

Can they build sustainable business models around these areas? Are the financial markets ready to invest in these businesses? Is sustainability just a marketing gimmick and just a side project of a CSR for corporations? These are some of the questions we need to discuss.

Join this panel discussion to be inspired as an organization and entrepreneurs to start working on new concepts and ideas around sustainability which would eventually become its very own working business models and leverage the technological advancements.

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