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Rochelle Gomez

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Event Details

Excitement is in the air as we approach International Women's Day 2024! We're on the brink of something spectacularโ€”the one and only Women in Tech Conference 2.0, hosted by the SLASSCOM Women Technopreneurs Forum.

The Event will be unveiled on the 26th of March 2024 in Colombo from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm IST. A morning-to-midday burst of inspiration, networking, & groundbreaking ideas on Gender Equity, Diversity and Inclusivity as well as emerging trends on latest technology with over 250 + minds from the IT & BPM sectors, alongside serial female technopreneurs, entrepreneurs, & members from Academia. It's more than just an event but a movement towards a brighter, more inclusive future in tech.


March 26, 2024

Main Schedule

08:30 - 08:50
Registrations & Refreshments
08:50 - 09:00
Opening Remarks
09:00 - 09:05
Address by Guest of Honor
09:05 - 09:15
Women focused Industry Initiatives - IT & BPM Sector
09:15 - 09:55
Keynote Speech by Annie Mathew
09:55 - 10:20
Empowering Voices: Amplifying Women's Contributions in Tech by Ashley Coffey
10:20 - 10:45
Panel Discussion - Creating Inclusive Workplaces: Strategies for Success
10:45 - 11:10
Breaking Barriers: Inspiring Inclusion in Tech by Tammy Barton
11:10 - 11:40
Panel discussion - Innovation through Inclusion: Leveraging Diversity for Success
11:40 - 11:50
Technopreneur Story
11:50 - 12:50
Group Learning Workshop
12:50 - 12:55
Closing Remarks
12:55 - 15:00
Networking Over Lunch


Annie Mathew (Keynote Speaker) (Director - Developer Relations of Microsoft Asia)

Annie Mathew (Keynote Speaker)

Director - Developer Relations of Microsoft Asia

Ide Yuri (Panelist) (Senior Representative at JAICA)

Ide Yuri (Panelist)

Senior Representative at JAICA

Tammy Barton (Live Virtual) (Founder and Director of MyBudget)

Tammy Barton (Live Virtual)

Founder and Director of MyBudget

Feroz Cader (Group Director, Head of Market Infrastructure Technology, LSEG at Millenium IT - LSEG Technology)

Feroz Cader

Group Director, Head of Market Infrastructure Technology, LSEG at Millenium IT - LSEG Technology

Ashley Coffey (Live Virtual) (Chief Executive Officer at Coffey & Consult)

Ashley Coffey (Live Virtual)

Chief Executive Officer at Coffey & Consult

Dr Ransirini De Silva (Senior lecturer at OUSL university)

Dr Ransirini De Silva

Senior lecturer at OUSL university

Oshana Dias (Panelist) (Chief People Officer at Fortude)

Oshana Dias (Panelist)

Chief People Officer at Fortude

Ruwanthi Fernando (Panelist) (Chief Information and Process Officer at Hela Apparel Holdings PLC)

Ruwanthi Fernando (Panelist)

Chief Information and Process Officer at Hela Apparel Holdings PLC

Cassandra Mascarenhas (Head of Global Employer Branding at Fortude)

Cassandra Mascarenhas

Head of Global Employer Branding at Fortude

Dr Nilushi Nugera (Professor, Dept. of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology at Uni. of Sri Jayewardenepura)

Dr Nilushi Nugera

Professor, Dept. of Biosystems Technology, Faculty of Technology at Uni. of Sri Jayewardenepura

Mahesha Amarasuriya (Director of Mastercard Sri Lanka)

Mahesha Amarasuriya

Director of Mastercard Sri Lanka

Nevindaree Premarathne (Founder and CEO of The Makers Global)

Nevindaree Premarathne

Founder and CEO of The Makers Global

Talal Rafi  (Panel Moderator) (Economic Policy Consultant - Asian Development Bank)

Talal Rafi (Panel Moderator)

Economic Policy Consultant - Asian Development Bank

Ranil Rajapakshe (Panelist) (Executive Vice President & COO at IFS  Sri Lanka)

Ranil Rajapakshe (Panelist)

Executive Vice President & COO at IFS Sri Lanka

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