With a rapidly evolving digital landscape comes the need to properly harness digital technologies and put them into effective use. Our annual IA Conference brings together leaders spearheading digital initiatives in their organizations to offer insights, education and case studies on what can be a complex environment.
"Digital Genesis", the largest enterprise led event of its kind, will feature topics covering the below:
SLASSCOM's BPM forum is pleased to present the "Digital Genesis" to be held on 27th and 28th October 2021, as the largest truly International scale online conference. The event will feature Industry specialists who are trailblazers in their chosen fields as keynote speakers. They will share their experience and knowledge related to Digitalized Processes and Global trends in IA upbringing the Digital workforce that will make us more agile and futuristic.
The conference will be attended by over 300 professionals mainly representing leading IT and BPM organizations. The event will be open to participants from across the world.
We invite you to be part of this International Event, which will showcase the importance of maintaining a Digital Foundation, highlighting the use of "Intelligent Automation" creating awareness, insights and opportunities for the future!
Global Banking and Communications Customer Journey Transformation Lead at HSBC
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Senior Vice President for Customer Journey, Transformation, and Intelligent Automation at Wells Fargo
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Chief Operating Officer- Software Solutions and Service at John Keells IT / AVP at John Keells Holdings PLC at JohnKeellsIT
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Head of Intelligent Automation Services / Assurance, FAAS – Senior Manager, at Ernst & Young
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DIRECTOR OF RESEARCH - BSc (University of South U.S.A.), MA, PhD (Duke) at IPS
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Chief Technology Officer / Director Information Technology of AIA
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