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Event Details

Are you working in Corporate and are looking to enhance your leadership skills and take your career to

new heights?

Join this highly motivational and life changing leadership skills 2-day bootcamp designed

exclusively for career women who want to achieve more credibility and confidence in their careers.

Targeted Audience

  • Emerging female leaders aiming to advance their careers
  • Senior Managers and Leaders seeking to sharpen their leadership acumen
  • Women Tech entrepreneurs looking to scale their businesses
  • Any woman passionate about unleashing her leadership potential

Why register in this bootcamp?

This is not just about leadership skills and mixing with other women in the Tech industry. This program is

more than that. It's a program specially designed to equip and empower you to be a bolder and braver

version of you, to take you from a state of self-awareness to self-discovery, to help you actualize your


As women, we have got quite accustomed to multitasking and managing multiple priorities and life

pressures all at once. Due to various internal and external factors such as self-limiting beliefs, social

conditioning, stigmas and bias, and stereotyping, while as women we have come so far and are making

amazing strides in the career landscape, we still find ourselves having to keep proving ourselves and

our challenges with self-doubt and a lack of confidence and self-love prevents us from aiming higher.

There is still more room to keep growing, to keep elevating, and keep making a positive change and

impact in our careers and life.

Senela is an award-winning global transformational specialist. She is a powerful communicator that

speaks to your heart. She has helped so many professional working women from different cultures and

backgrounds around the world, to gain clarity of issues, understand what is important and what

motivates them, figure out the blocks and provide insights on their strengths and weaknesses with

encouragement and motivation to achieve, every step of the way. And she will do the same for you.

Areas that will be covered

  • Developing deep Self-Confidence as a Career Woman
  • Overcoming Impostor Syndrome
  • Building a Positive Self-Image
  • Key Body language techniques & Executive presence
  • Leadership Competencies for Career Women
  • Leadership Styles and Traits and Owning your Authenticity
  • Influential Communication Skills while Status-Quo as a female leader
  • Tapping into your Emotional Intelligence in Leadership
  • Goal Setting and Action Planning


  • Develop mental stamina and resilience: Bring out your inner courage and reprogram negative beliefs.
  • Develop a Powerful Leadership Presence: Learn strategies to project confidence, command respect, and effectively communicate your vision.
  • Cultivate Influential Communication: Hone your persuasion and public speaking abilities to inspire and motivate others.
  • Overcome Barriers and Bias: Address gender-related challenges, break through glass ceilings, and create a path for success.
  • Gain Personal Development Tools & Learning: Access knowledge and tools to feel empowered to handle future challenges.


Senela Jayasuriya (multi award-winning Founder, Keynote speaker, Author, Facilitator & Transformational Coach (Click image for more information))

Senela Jayasuriya

multi award-winning Founder, Keynote speaker, Author, Facilitator & Transformational Coach (Click image for more information)

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